My first topic will be hypertension.
Hypertension is a common term mentioned by Dr and patient all the time. Do everyone understanding is the same as doctor's understanding. I am not quite sure.
Hypertension normally referred as chronic condition in which the blood pressure in arteries persistently raised ! Doctor always mentioned systolic and diastolic in blood pressure such as systolic 120 mmHg and diastolic 70 mmHg. Systolic may be understand as upper (layman term) and diastolic as lower (layman term). It actually depends on heart muscle is contracting (systole) or relaxed between beats (diastole).
Hypertension may classified as primary or secondary. 95% hypertension is primary whereas remaining is secondary. Primary hypertension may also called as essential hypertension which means high blood pressure with no obvious cause . Secondary hypertension is high blood pressure with cause which may be due to kidney, endocrine ,heart and etc.
Why hypertension so dangerous?
Hypertension is dangerous because some patient do not have obvious symptom such as headache, vertigo and lightheadedness . Patient may feel perfectly well.It is the risk factor for major life threatening disease such as stroke, myocardial Infarction (heart attack), heart failure, aortic aneurysm and chronic renal failure.
How do i detect it?
To detect hypertension, you need to do regular screening as some is asymptomatic.
Do i need treatment if i got hypertension ?
It depends on the severity of hypertension. some may only need lifestyle modification without medication but most of the need medication.You may consult doctor for further info .