Wednesday, 23 January 2013

Chest Pain

What is chest pain?
Chest pain is pain in the chest.

What is the dangerous of chest pain?
As we all known, one of the most life threatening disease (No 1 Killer in lots of country ) is myocardial infarction or so called heart attack presented with chest pain.

Is every chest pain means heart attack?
Not necessary, it can be other disease like lung infection , heart burn (gastroesophageal reflux) , muscular pain , rib fracture or etc.

Should i see doctor if i got chest pain?
Yes, you do not want to miss heart attack although heart attack presented with severe chest pain radiate to left side but you won't know it for 100% unless ECG is done.

What should i do if got chest pain?
Go and see the physician early and as soon as possible. delay to see the dr may endanger your life.

Any question regarding health you may contact

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